Toronto Fire Active Incidents
This is a FAN SITE. It is not affiliated with Toronto Fire Services, or the City of Toronto. In case of Emergency: call 911.
Last updated: 2025-03-27 15:00:02
Esri, TomTom, Garmin, FAO, NOAA, USGS, © OpenStreetMap
Prime Street
Cross Streets
Dispatch Time
(Click to sort Ascending)
Incident Number
(Click to sort Ascending)
Incident Type
(Click to sort Ascending)
Alarm Level
(Click to sort Ascending)
(Click to sort Ascending)
Dispatched Units
ASQUITH AVE, TTSHERLOCK HOLMES WALK / PARK RD2025-03-27T14:32:28F25040324Alarm Single Source0312L312, P313
VANAULEY WALK, TTGRANGE CRT / 2025-03-27T14:47:49F25040329Alarm Single Source0315P332, P344
ERINGATE DR, ETWELLESWORTH DR / RENFORTH DR2025-03-27T14:48:31F25040330Alarm Single Source0444P444, R441
/ 2025-03-27T14:49:36F25040331Vehicle - Personal Injury Highway0411P141, P142
The data is provided publicly by the City of Toronto's website. I take no responsibility for any inaccuracies, or misuse of the data. Some incidents may not be shown on the map.
HERE Technologies provides geocoded location data for the map.
The Environmental Systems Research Institute (esri) provides the (light topographical) map, itself.

Email Alvin if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.
Version 20230624.1925.